Monday, June 15, 2009

LITERATURE:what it is, and why is it important?

(source:Web.15 June 2009.[

As what my blog title said, READ...LEARN and DIGEST, that's the three most important thing we shouldn't forget. READ, literature is about reading,reading and reading, you might fail the course if you are not fond of reading. We should start to read good books, but should you stop there? No!,reading is not enough, of course, you should LEARN from what you are reading. And after that, you should DIGEST every words and morals you get from it, and REFLECT that to your own life. Literature is mostly a printed output of someone's creative mind,his thoughts and ideas. In this picture I've uploaded, every questions we asked about why is Literature important, was already answered. "Literature IS PART OF OUR LIFE", without it we can't be successful in our life. We, also, as a simple person does lots of Literature-related works in our daily life, every morning, most of us are reading newspaper which is an example of a written output of those person's with very creative minds; also magazines,comics and songs are part of Literature which we are all addicted to.

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